FAQ: Questions adnd Answers


The travel experience in Iran has created a portfolio of questions asked before, during, and after the trip.

Below are the most frequently asked questions from travelers to Iran and the answers below.

If you have other curiosities that are not answered on this page, you can contact me directly on the site.

The experience of accompanying a large number of travelers and female travelers to Iran, from 2013 until today, has given me a portfolio of questions, which I can already answer.

FAQ: Questions and Answers

BEFORE the trip to IRAN


In most cases, the question refers to the economic and socio-political situation of the country.

Given the confusion over the geopolitical situation of Iran, surrounded by countries such as Afghanistan and Pakistan to the east; Iraq to the west; the Arab countries to the south, beyond the Persian Gulf; having regard to internal censorship and international sanctions following the 1979 Islamic revolution; having regard to the 8 years of war in response to the attack on Iraq in 1980; given the spread by the international media of news mostly of a negative nature, ...

the trip to Iran offers the opportunity to see the real everyday life of the people. The majority of the population, in 2022, is young, under 35; the level of university participation is high, with a higher percentage of women.

Traveling it is understood that the standard of living of the Iranians is not so different from that of the other technologically advanced countries of the world. What surprises every day in the journey is to discover that the people are open, hospitable, friendly, driven by a strong desire to communicate.

The Iranian plateau has, in general, a dry climate and has four seasons.

It is always possible, planning the route, to see four different natures in a single journey: two deserts, Kavir, in the center and Lut, in the south center; two mountain ranges to the north and west; the varied vegetation, from Mediterranean in the belt around the Caspian Sea in the north to subtropical in the Persian Gulf in the south. While the south, east to west, is excellent for a winter trip, the high mountains in the north-west are suitable for summer, while the rest of the country, along with the two deserts, located on highlands, offer their magic. tourist all year round, with dry cold weather down to -4 ° in winter and hot and dry up to 38 ° in summer from Tehran (Center-North) to Shiraz (Center-South).

According to the law of the Islamic government, when you are in public, you dress according to Islamic rules. Women cover their hair with a veil, the body up to the ankle and their arms up to the elbow. Men cover the body up to the ankle and arms even with short sleeved shirts. The types of clothes suitable for the trip can be found in the photo gallery of the trip to Iran. There are no limits for the colors of the clothes or the models of shoes. The important thing is that in summer there are no necklines or transparencies ..

The classic dish consists of Persian saffron rice which is mixed with a wide variety of sauces that can contain a lot of aromatic herbs, tomato and well-cooked meat of sheep or goat among the nomadic populations. Spices are fundamental in Persian culinary culture, with the aim of balancing the ingredients of food and promoting health.

Some well-known dishes are: Kabab (the spit with sheep meat) and its varieties; Dizi (sheep meat stew with legumes, potatoes and spices); Fesenjan (the mixed sauce of pomegranate, walnuts and meatballs); Ghorme Sabzi (the lime aromatic herb sauce with red beans and sheep meat); Kufteh (the ball of rice mixed with minced meat, aromatic herbs and plums); Bademjan (eggplant), cooked in many ways ...

Chai (black tea) is the national drink, which accompanies every convivial meeting. In the summer, refreshing drinks made from the essences of flowers, water and sugar are offered; in winter, warm infusions of various flowers and herbs are preferred.

The Iranian prefix is 0098. You can call abroad from the landline of the hotels. The Iranian calling card offers various roaming and / 0 internet calling packages. In addition, the hotels and many restaurants and cafes have Wi-Fi for connecting smartphones.

The RIAL is the official currency. In common use, prices are recorded in TOMAN, equal to a tenth of a rial (ie with one zero less). Being under international sanctions, Iranian banks are not connected to the credit card banking circuit, so it is advisable to bring cash for local expenses.

Some questions may still remain unspoken:

do i need a visa? how can i get it? is insurance useful? and for the flight? should I find it myself? what is useful to pack this season? which tour should i do? how much can it cost me? but will it be really nice? ...

For the best answers you can contact me, without forgetting to tell me when, how many people, what interests you have ...

In PARSI, called in Persian; in FARSI, called by the Arabs; in PERSIAN, said in Italian; PERSIAN, pronounced in English. It is an ancient language, of Indo-European origin, with 32 characters without counting the vowels. Persian is spoken, with due differences, also in some surrounding countries, originating from ancient Persia: Georgia, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Northern India.

There are no substantial differences between Shiites and Sunnis, since the two currents accept the three foundations of the Islamic religion (Allah is the only god; Mohammed is his prophet; each will be subjected to the Last Judgment).

The gap is political: the Sunnis believe in the four caliphates, which are followed outside the lineage of Muhammad, while for the Shiites the successor of the prophet must be identified among the relatives of Muhammad, descendants of Ali (cousin-son-in-law) and Fatima ( the daughter).

After The Trip to IRAN

Immigrant Iranians in the world are numerous, particularly in the West. So there are various testimonies of their customs and their culinary art. Thanks to search engines, social networks and geo-localization, there are places where you can eat saffron Kabab, Fesenjan, aubergine sauce, desserts with a glass of Chai and much more.

Events and Meeting Opportunities:

Events & Meeting Opportunities

Events in Italy

Events in Iran

Testimonials :

Comments by Some Travelers...

Patrizia Cotoneschi da Firenze
viaggio in Iran - Pasqua 2017
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from Florence
trip to Iran - Easter 2017

Noushin ha una profonda conoscenza del suo paese del passato e del presente e la trasmette con trasporto e amore. Ha competenze di storia dell'arte che fanno apprezzare la grandezza del popolo persiano.

Noushin è capace di parlare all'esperto ma anche a coloro che si avvicinano per la prima volta a questa grande civiltà. Non e' facile trovare una guida capace di coniugare la sapienza al museo e le battute al ristorante, lei lo fa anche per il fatto che parla molto bene la lingua italiana....spero proprio di tornare presto in Iran insieme a lei.
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Noushin has a deep knowledge of his country of the past and present and passes it on with transport and love. He has art history skills that make you appreciate the greatness of the Persian people.

Noushin is able to speak to the expert but also to those who approach this great civilization for the first time. It is not easy to find a guide capable of combining the knowledge of the museum and the jokes at the restaurant, she does it also for the fact that she speaks the Italian language very well .... I really hope to return to Iran soon with her.

Agnese Pelliconi viaggio - aprile 2017
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traveling - april 2017

Viaggiare con Noushin dà la straordinaria opportunità di avere un ponte tra le culture. Conoscendo bene la realtà iraniana e quella italiana, mi ha permesso di assaporare appieno la meravigliosa ospitalità e cultura del popolo iraniano. Tanto entusiasmo, tanta professionalità e passione.
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Traveling with Noushin gives the extraordinary opportunity to have a bridge between cultures. Knowing the Iranian and Italian realities well, it allowed me to fully savor the wonderful hospitality and culture of the Iranian people. A lot of enthusiasm, a lot of professionalism and passion.

Francesca F. e Massimo R., Roma viaggio in Iran - Pasqua 2017
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Trip in IRAN - Easter 2017

Abbiamo visitato l'Iran nella primavera del 2017, un viaggio bellissimo e molto interessante in un Paese dalla storia millenaria, crocevia di culture e civiltà, ricco di arte raffinata, di paesaggi e di tradizioni, di cui sono permeati i suoi abitanti di oggi, accoglienti e aperti al contatto con i loro ospiti, anche se solo di passaggio come eravamo noi. Noushi ci ha accompagnato in diverse tappe del viaggio: è una guida molto preparata, attenta, sensibile e instancabile.
Visitare l'Iran con lei è stata un'occasione di conoscenza unica di questo straordinario Paese, che ci è rimasto nel cuore e nella mente.
Noushin infatti conosce bene e ama la sua cultura madre, ma anche quella occidentale, vivendo in Italia da diversi anni, e riesce ad avvicinarle e a farle dialogare con grande professionalità e passione.
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We visited Iran in the spring of 2017, a beautiful and very interesting journey in a country with a thousand-year history, a crossroads of cultures and civilizations, rich in refined art, landscapes and traditions, which are permeated by its inhabitants today. welcoming and open to contact with their guests, even if only passing through as we were. Noushi accompanied us in different stages of the journey: he is a very prepared, attentive, sensitive and tireless guide.
Visiting Iran with her was a unique opportunity to get to know this extraordinary country, which has remained in her heart and mind.
In fact, Noushin knows well and loves her mother culture, but also the western one, having lived in Italy for several years, and she manages to approach them and make them dialogue with great professionalism and passion.

Claudia Cechet Iran Classico - Maggio 2018
Iran sud-ovest - Febbraio 2019
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Classic Iran - May 2018
SouthWest Iran - February 2019

Noushin oltre che essere una guida sa diventare amica; infatti e' diventata mia amica con cui ho avuto discussioni e scambi di opinione, lei è fatta cosi ... oltre che ottima guida ama il meraviglioso cibo del suo paese e sa sempre consigliare il meglio.
Cara Noushin spero di ritornare ancora in Iran e sarebbe la terza volta.
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Besides being a guide, Noushin knows how to become friends; in fact she became my friend with whom I had discussions and exchanges of opinion, she is like that ... as well as being an excellent guide, she loves the wonderful food of her country and always knows how to recommend the best.
Dear Noushin I hope to return again in Iran and it would be the third time.

Marco S., Torino viaggio in IRAN
febbraio-marzo 2020
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trip to IRAN

Che dire ? Siamo all' inizio dell' era del covid:
Siamo passati dalla vivacita' nei bazar alla loro chiusura; ci hanno raccontato e spiegato la situazione e consigliato al meglio.
Abbiamo attraversato il deserto, vissuto esperienze emozionanti ed indimenticabili fino ai confini con l'Afganistan e l'India.
Noushin ci ha accompagnato nei meandri delle botteghe artigiane e tra i colori della natura raccontandoci della storia e dell'arte; siamo rimasti abbagliati dai fuochi delle raffinerie lungo la costa del golfo Persico. Infine siamo rientrati godendoci le città d'arte.
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What to say ? We are at the beginning of the era of the covid:
We have gone from liveliness in the bazaars to their closure; they told us and explained the situation and advised the best.
We crossed the desert, lived exciting and unforgettable experiences up to the borders with Afghanistan and India.
Noushin accompanied us in the meanders of the artisan shops and among the colors of nature, telling us about history and art; we were dazzled by the fires of the refineries along the coast of the Persian Gulf. Finally we returned enjoying the cities of art.

Stefano Caviglia, Genova Aprile 2019
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April 2019

Ho conosciuto e amato l'Iran, e la cultura persiana, grazie ai suoi fotografi, registi, letterati, poeti ....
poi un giorno ci sono andato e anche grazie alla guida di Noushin, sempre disponibile, preparata e orgogliosa della sua cultura, della sua tradizione...
ho verificato che la mia passione per quel paese era ben riposta.
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I knew and loved Iran, and the Persian culture, thanks to its photographers, directors, writers, poets ....
then one day I went there and also thanks to the guide of Noushin, always available, prepared and proud of its culture, its tradition ...
I verified that my passion for that country was well placed.

Pier, Torino Aprile 2019
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April 2019

Paese bellissimo abitato da un popolo gentile e accogliente.
Noushin guida competente, preparata e di carattere, capace di farsi rispettare da tutti e quindi di farti scoprire in sicurezza ogni angolo dell'Iran.
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A beautiful country inhabited by a kind and welcoming people.
Noushin a competent guide, prepared and with character, capable of being respected by everyone and therefore of letting you discover every corner of Iran in safety.

Meg, Cuneo viaggio - 2016
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a travel in 2016

Ho viaggiato con Noushin in Iran qualche anno fa e ho trovato in lei una guida preparata, attenta, premurosa, desiderosa di farci scoprire e soprattutto amare le bellezze  del suo paese.
Questo mi ha molto colpita, mi ha anche colpita l'ospitalità, dimostrata in questo incontro facendoci conoscere la sua famiglia e la sua mamma e un buon pranzetto da loro.

Questa particolarità mi è rimasta nel cuore.
Quindi consiglio la sua guida e auguro che possiate amare l'Iran come me che l'ho amato..
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I traveled with Noushin to Iran a few years ago and I found in her a prepared, attentive, caring guide, eager to let us discover and above all love the beauties of her country.
This impressed me very much, I was also impressed by the hospitality shown in this meeting by letting us meet her family and her mother and a good lunch with them.

This particularity has remained in my heart.
So I recommend her guide and I wish you can love Iran as I have loved it ..

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